Sunday, May 04, 2008

The Closed Window

There exists a room in me, in you and everyone; it is what makes each and every one of us unique. We build this room by our self, with our own hands, shaping it and nurturing it, in any way we desire. This mental Extension of our physical abode comforts us and protects us in times of need. As a result this room it totally unique to the person who built it .We sneak away precious artifacts and items and store it there, stuff we would not like to forget or leave behind.
(My room, I can’t describe it, as it will then cease to be mine as you will be able to imagine it and hence reach it so I am not going to describe it)My room is where I go when there is need for it, as I love the solitude it gives me. There is assurance in the fact that none of you can reach it. Here is where Silence can be heard. A silence so loud, that it shuts out the physical world (It is like having a high end head phone and sitting by the beach, you hear the music not the waves.). This is My Sanctum, which no army can conquer.~
But of late there is a great unrest in the winds, something is blowing this way. The window over looking my mind just slammed shut. The Silence is now the low growl of a Storm that might very well break the very foundation upon which my room is built. I think it might even drown me in its wake.
Despite all my efforts the window remains firmly shut. It is now closed, (once again) after 7 long years.


Anonymous said...

interesting concept

Anonymous said...

This reminds me of my 'Sphere of Influence' concept. I'll explain it someday.