This was drafted a very long time back, almost a year back. I perchance came upon it while talking to a friend about Death and Feelings. So after a small re edit here it is finally.
Here is the thing... everyone is afraid, most often of themselves, of their own cognitive reality and to some extent their feelings. They talk on love, about how great it is, but it’s not so. Love hurts, loving someone even more so. Feelings are depressing and painful, jubilation also; it paves the way for a depressing mind.
One is told repeatedly that pain is evil and dangerous and that it is to be avoided. How can one deal with love then, if they're afraid of pain? Pain is meant to make us feel alive. People try to hide it (myself included). But we are wrong!! Pain is like a scar, it is to be lived with, like a case of fine wine we keep to mature. Experiencing pain strengthens us, makes us who we are. It's all in how we deal with it, how we carry the pain. (That is of prime Importance) Pain is a feeling, probably the only one tangible enough to sustain on. Our Reality includes our pain, our feelings, and our dreams. So why would you avoid pain?
But if one indeed seeks liberation from pain, then the only way is to let Death claim you. For that is the only way to escape your reality completely, for Death is a void, a black hole, the end of existence; you can’t experience anything more after that (The termination of self itself), but the conundrum thus far unanswered is this “Nothingness” after death… we are quantifying this equation, by placing ourselves there. How can one fall into this nothingness, and remain there for the said eternity?
That said and done, what are you going to do? What path will you choose?
As for me I always say that pain is inevitable, suffering is optional. Moreover I am Immortal… so far so good…