Sunday, February 19, 2006

Mors Ultima Ratio

Death is the final accounting
It is not that I fear death.
It is just that that will be then, that I will come face to face with this so called all mighty God.
As you would have suspected I am a staunch disbeliever of the entity God. I for one, will not at any circumstance give in to the notion that there exists a being (the alpha/omega) who literally controls all of us and is making things happen.
In ancient Latin there is another quotation which sort of adds proof to my statement….
In ancient time peopel used to worship what they fear, & then as humanity matured they gave it human forms as a result the wonderous powers of the God are in second fiddle to nature.
I have nothing against any religion or any personal belief, it is just that in today’s competitive world as people are confronted with more and more complex problem, they look to the skies for the answer as if God will mysteriously remove all hurdles from their world. BUT in today’s dog eat dog world isn’t one mans/woman’s hurdle another’s stepping stone, so does the mighty God favor the individual who prays more instead of the person who has spent more time on resolving the problem at hand?
Do you also see that more and more people thong the places of worship in search of answers and deliverance of evil instead of just putting their mind and effort into resolving it.
Or as a few say it….
“It maybe true that God created this world in which we all live, but what has he been doing ever since”

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Re vera, cara mea, mea nil refert.

Re vera, cara mea, mea nil refert.

Golden lines to golden people ….

Of course it may be a punch line from many movies

But I feel every one must be able to relate to it ….

I will tell you later what it means but first hear me out

Now the obvious question for the select few who know Latin.

About what?

About every thing …..

It may sound strange…. But the bold text is one of my mottos for life and all the surprises it holds for us. people make fun of you and abase you in ways only they can dream up , then you either retaliate or you ignore them thinking I wish I was stronger then I did show the BARBARI (barbarian) a thing or two… or you can do it my way… have a high threshold for your temper… and simply don’t consider the unpleasant remark as an insult but look upon it as a comment from a person who doesn’t know you well enough.. I have come across many people who share that view point and believe me there a shortage of such people.

These people live life the way it’s dished out to them. No worries, no tension and etc. let me call them jollies; these people are not to be confused with people who are not bothered or in other words people who are only concerned about themselves. They care for other and don’t like to hurt others

for my first one i think this is enough

Now I will tell you quite frankly that 90% of the people who read this will feel I am preaching, preaching? Re vera, cara mea, mea nil refert.

Which means… ~Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn.~

so live life to the fullest and dont give a damn to the rudeness around you