Friday, April 28, 2006

The First

I believe that every living entity on this overloaded planet has feelings.....
And by feeling I mean feelings not state of mind.. cause I feel the two are slightly if not entirely apart. Feelings are emotions, and sensations, and they are different from thoughts, beliefs, interpretations, and convictions…. Which I feel are related to the state of ones mind….
Bear in mind that I am currently addressing mental and subconscious feelings and not the physical ones.
There are countless feeling which plague the human mind. Which in turn, gives rise to different mind sets. But for this post I refer to the first of the “unnamed ones” ….
Ever walk down a busy lane and felt heart wrenching sadness/pity for the barefooted limping beggar who every one ignores as he makes way across the road which is blistering hot (which sometimes back you thought is so @#$%ing hot that you could fry eggs on it!!), huh? if yes did you feel like helping him? If yes did you do any thing? if no then you have never experienced the feeling this post is abt. But to those of you who did help him… I commend you. No word no statement can ever come close to describing the elation you feel when he cries on your shoulder and tells you “thank you may you live long” (rough English translation)
For the record I must add that when I saw the forlorn man I rushed into the nearest shoe store and got him the bata slippers… ( I felt it will make a small if not big impact on the man and at that time the road was really hot …..)
The sense of gratitude was overwhelming and I felt warm and happy inside… to have acted out of the blue and touch a person in need with out feeling conscious of the people watching you and passing judgment.. is to have experienced the first and the most moving one of the unnamed feeling…..
(to be continued….)

Thursday, April 06, 2006

A Hypothesis

Would you believe me if I told you I found the reason why people are afraid of death?
Prolly not!! But this is a vast topic with so many opinions; I feel mine is some what valid and reasonable … so bear with me….
Let me first tell you about the concept of the alpha male …. Alpha the first letter of the Greek alphabet also gives its title to the best of every field. The alpha male symbolizes the best, the strongest, the most cunning etc of the lot. The alphas ensure their seed passes on to the next generation… according to the survival of the fittest. Among animals, (whom I consider a better lot than us….. I am a self critical human sometimes so sue me!!) the alpha male (in other terms the top dog literally ) gets to mate with his/her (being a male chauvinist I prefer his ..but in lieu of the current era the female counter part has proved its self to be a worthy opponent … so salutations to the females ) choice and ensure the survival of its genes.
The alpha male is often testosterone driven and hence reckless and rash he does so because he is not afraid of death. Let me explain why the sole principles in the animal kingdom is to eat, sleep, mate… every other activity is a derived class of these main classes(for the dumber population fights for grub, mate, territory etc… you know now……) mating being the super class…. So now that its genes are ensured survival.... its reckless and etc…..
Now this model used to fit every animal on Earth(yes humans too) but not any more…. The reason being …. Population… yes… population ( no not the game….) why you ask… its very simple…. Like I said humans have exploded in terms of population so even the least capable individual gets a mate suited for it if it works hard enough ….. but nature isn’t without its sense of cold cruel irony(which is why I am in love with it), now that the old classes don’t imply to us any more it’s a new more complex model which surprisingly is easier to implement.... those in a similar wave length with me…. would have guessed it… “Fame” is the new super….that is every individual is scared of death cause it feels that its name will be lost in the endless desert of time and it will be forgotten… where it refers to the individual…
I know I struck a chord in you .. deep down even you cant help but agree with me…
And no doubt you feel I too suffer from this complex cause I seen to have given it a great deal of time and thought…but sadly you are mistaken….I am not at all scared of death….cause in my own little way I try to touch every one I come across and make sure they remember me…… don’t smile … I happen to know its true….
For now
Mors ultima linea rerum est - Death is everything's final limit. (Horace)