Monday, October 23, 2006


Im·pact (ĭm'păkt')
[From Latin impāctus, past participle of impingere, to push against.]
A force, also known as impulsive force, which acts only during a short time interval but which is sufficiently large to cause an appreciable change in the momentum of the system on which it acts. The momentum change produced by the impulsive force is described by the momentum-impulse relation.

Imagine 145 kg + 60 kg + 80 kg being dragged on the hot asphalt due to turbulence in an otherwise streamlined motion. id est. [that is to say] a system containing 2 people A & B and one two wheeler [Brand Z], which on getting chipped by a stationary system [an out of view heavy tri wheeler the ones used to transport goods not people which is conveniently out of order in the middle of the road] goes out of hand and as a result the described event takes place.

But , we are here not to talk about the physics , but rather the thoughts that crossed the mind of the individual B
But before that a word about A
A is a gifted driver who is quite quick and is capable of making split second decisions, which did reduce the extent of damage on the participants.
May his GOD bless Him.
The individual B is slightly on the heavier side. He is a headstrong ATHEIST, and believed that in the scenario of an accident he would leap with his friend to safety before they go down, and would eat his HAT if proved wrong [he is gagging on his hat now].
Now let’s examine his thoughts, at the source he took protective gear for the first time, and as usual the thought of an accident hadn’t crossed his mind. They made good time in the sun and then it happened like falling dominoes one event leading to another, they decided to overtake a bus from the right, but unfortunately a heavy three-wheeler was right where they never imagined it to be. And thanks to some impressive maneuvering on the drivers part most of the bike cleared the stationary three-wheeler but still due to excessive weight a little part dint [A adds new insight as he stated that the cause for turbulence was a car hitting from behind and not the tri wheeler] and as a result chipped it and due to the momentum and the newly introduced turbulence the 2 wheeler skidded and got dragged along the asphalt this was after the two riders got “ejected”. Now in mid air the first thought in the mind of B is “helplessness” all his self assumed grandeur now just a faceless whisper, he was just like a rag doll at the mercy forces which he never fathomed before, in that fraction of a second all he experienced was pure primal fear[mortal fear] … and yet before he could blink he was on the road helpless to move… and then it hit him… he was flung from the bike...he then got up, moved to the corner of the road, and then the pain hit him, immense pain and relief at the same time…

Both A & B are fine they escaped with just superficial wounds

I guess this is an experience of sorts…

Id est. [that is to say] experiencing fear first hand…

PS the Driver insists that the system was hit on the rear end by a 3rd party (a car) which set the events in motion.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006


To have acted out of the blue and touch a person in need with out feeling conscious of the people watching you and passing judgment... is to have experienced the first and the most moving one of the unnamed feeling…..

To feel the pain and joy and other emotions of a fellow human being with out checking to see the thread of people connecting the two of you is to feel the second unnamed feeling

To feel enraptured by any one any one and still be innocent about it is the third of the unnamed feelings

The above 3 are mere extracts from the previous posts but when read together, one after the other the only conclusion drawn is the fact that he/she must be totally unique to have felt even 2 of the 3 feeling (different people feel it differently). these people view the world in a different light a totally unbiased view. They step forward to help complete strangers for a feeling of satisfaction that only they experience… a warm glow that never ebbs away from them….

But in current times the scenario is completely differently the theory or selfless help is frowned upon even the beneficiary looks upon you with a shy eye wondering what’s in it for you. The thought never crosses him that you are helping the person from the view of helping with out any ulterior motives.

Here I am using Homo sapiens as the target because you know what? The animals never doubt us, the moment you help them genuinely they trust you completely, but not humans.

“Un idea perplexi na”

Id est (that is)

“The idea is strange to us”

That a fellow human can help us with out having his/her own plans.

well I conclude by saying that the world can certainly do with more people who selflessly help others….

And remember a benevolent person does not choose whom to help but helps who ever approaches him/her

Sunday, May 14, 2006

The Third

No prizes for guessing what it deals with… yes its love mixed with innocence of a child… with time as my proof and best ally I can safely assume that every one has experienced this the 3rd unnamed feeling... for it is something that is very common .. but people hardly realize that, for you see the beginning for every great love story starts with this …..
This a feeling that is higher than crushes, higher than infatuations, raptures but a rung below love and friendship( y
es I am a person who believes that love and friendship go hand in hand… cause without friendship there is no love and vice versa )
Now I felt this feeling a while back (believe me because for me this passage of time was real hell) don’t go all perverted and assume things…. While you are in this “state of affairs” all that you will wanna do is to sit down in one corner and just looks at the person involved, observe every movement the person makes and feel content.( content like looking at rain beating against the window while holding a steaming mug of soup/coffee your preference…) (for the record …I am over this hill ….select few who do happen to know the name will please abide by their vow of silence)
The symptoms of this sate may vary from person to person (because although we are of the same species, inherent qualities distinguish us from the rest). But in general you will act stupid around the person involved, try to start up a nonexistent conversations…. Try go bump into her around the corner ( after all the observing you happen to know the exact schedule of the person involved) and again say comical things( as far as I am concerned …and wash out the plan I had so meticulously laid out). In my case it was even worse… (I consider myself to be a very dynamic person ... to such a person a relation is something like pure mayhem) I wasn’t able to think straight… you can say she was like Vodka and Gin (500 ml of it in one swing “hard hitting”… ) all I had to do was to look at her and I would go flat…. I mean flat… my 'ok sniffish hip' helped in a sense because he was the excuse I needed to rekindle broken conversations……
I call this a pure feeling cause it is pure … it is the one feeling that proves you to be a human more than any other feeling named or unnamed
I guess this is the third feeling as I felt it you may feel it differently.
Of that i am sure and,
I am sure that you are sure too
To be concluded….

Monday, May 08, 2006

The Second

Those of you who have not yet read about the unnamed feeling( I
call them like that … who knows maybe someone somewhere who has experienced them a lot might have named them) please read the post below first…..
There are totally 3 of them the first one is simple that is it is not complex.. if you get what I am saying then you will understand that the 2nd and 3rd are actually a collection of many emotions and feelings the second for example is a collection of feelings like innocence (which also plays a minor part in the third one),guilt and above all reflections… you don’t understand? Let me elaborate…
Many of you I know would have gone to weddings, funerals, birthdays and what not, but have you ever been to these as a friend of a friend id est. (that is) you are not related to the main tide of the event …that you are there as a mere guest?
Well I have been to a lot event which fit the later description and the ability to mingle and feel the pain/joy of total strangers around you is the second such unnamed feeling
Reflections of feelings are the same as your own reflection... id est. (that is) the ability of mirroring the feeling of the people around you whom you need not necessarily know.
For reflections to be put in action you are in need of a small amount of innocence …. Cause if you see kids/ (animals) (who are undeniably full of innocence) imitate the feeling of the people/ (pack) around them... Laugh and they laugh, cry and they cry (one panics and it spreads like wild fire ……….get a
life and watch animal planet for a change)……
id est.(that is) to feel the pain and joy and other emotions of a fellow human being with out checking to see the thread of people connecting the two of you is to feel the second unnamed feeling
But bear in mind this is tough to experience… cause (judge me no
t) many people leave their innocence at puberty and assume adulthood ….completely shunning
(To be cont

Friday, April 28, 2006

The First

I believe that every living entity on this overloaded planet has feelings.....
And by feeling I mean feelings not state of mind.. cause I feel the two are slightly if not entirely apart. Feelings are emotions, and sensations, and they are different from thoughts, beliefs, interpretations, and convictions…. Which I feel are related to the state of ones mind….
Bear in mind that I am currently addressing mental and subconscious feelings and not the physical ones.
There are countless feeling which plague the human mind. Which in turn, gives rise to different mind sets. But for this post I refer to the first of the “unnamed ones” ….
Ever walk down a busy lane and felt heart wrenching sadness/pity for the barefooted limping beggar who every one ignores as he makes way across the road which is blistering hot (which sometimes back you thought is so @#$%ing hot that you could fry eggs on it!!), huh? if yes did you feel like helping him? If yes did you do any thing? if no then you have never experienced the feeling this post is abt. But to those of you who did help him… I commend you. No word no statement can ever come close to describing the elation you feel when he cries on your shoulder and tells you “thank you may you live long” (rough English translation)
For the record I must add that when I saw the forlorn man I rushed into the nearest shoe store and got him the bata slippers… ( I felt it will make a small if not big impact on the man and at that time the road was really hot …..)
The sense of gratitude was overwhelming and I felt warm and happy inside… to have acted out of the blue and touch a person in need with out feeling conscious of the people watching you and passing judgment.. is to have experienced the first and the most moving one of the unnamed feeling…..
(to be continued….)

Thursday, April 06, 2006

A Hypothesis

Would you believe me if I told you I found the reason why people are afraid of death?
Prolly not!! But this is a vast topic with so many opinions; I feel mine is some what valid and reasonable … so bear with me….
Let me first tell you about the concept of the alpha male …. Alpha the first letter of the Greek alphabet also gives its title to the best of every field. The alpha male symbolizes the best, the strongest, the most cunning etc of the lot. The alphas ensure their seed passes on to the next generation… according to the survival of the fittest. Among animals, (whom I consider a better lot than us….. I am a self critical human sometimes so sue me!!) the alpha male (in other terms the top dog literally ) gets to mate with his/her (being a male chauvinist I prefer his ..but in lieu of the current era the female counter part has proved its self to be a worthy opponent … so salutations to the females ) choice and ensure the survival of its genes.
The alpha male is often testosterone driven and hence reckless and rash he does so because he is not afraid of death. Let me explain why the sole principles in the animal kingdom is to eat, sleep, mate… every other activity is a derived class of these main classes(for the dumber population fights for grub, mate, territory etc… you know now……) mating being the super class…. So now that its genes are ensured survival.... its reckless and etc…..
Now this model used to fit every animal on Earth(yes humans too) but not any more…. The reason being …. Population… yes… population ( no not the game….) why you ask… its very simple…. Like I said humans have exploded in terms of population so even the least capable individual gets a mate suited for it if it works hard enough ….. but nature isn’t without its sense of cold cruel irony(which is why I am in love with it), now that the old classes don’t imply to us any more it’s a new more complex model which surprisingly is easier to implement.... those in a similar wave length with me…. would have guessed it… “Fame” is the new super….that is every individual is scared of death cause it feels that its name will be lost in the endless desert of time and it will be forgotten… where it refers to the individual…
I know I struck a chord in you .. deep down even you cant help but agree with me…
And no doubt you feel I too suffer from this complex cause I seen to have given it a great deal of time and thought…but sadly you are mistaken….I am not at all scared of death….cause in my own little way I try to touch every one I come across and make sure they remember me…… don’t smile … I happen to know its true….
For now
Mors ultima linea rerum est - Death is everything's final limit. (Horace)

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Vita Contin Git. Vive Com Eo


Those of you who read my first blog will remember I used the term jollies...
well those who believe in this saying are more or less jollies...

Say, if life were a chef, and if he served burnt toast with butter, the jollies will relish it…
Not like the others who will just curse him and say “life is unfair cause someone got perfect golden brown with cheese and look at me all I got is this… blah blah”

Now I know for a fact that every one at some point of time has been very jealous of another being just cause the other person has got it made. Believe me when I say that, this never happens to jollies, cause these elite groups of people are content with what they have.

Id est (that is to say) it does not take much to make them happy.

This happiness of theirs is infectious and it spreads around the place where they work. People seldom get bored in their company. The atmosphere is happy and cheerful.
These people can be recognized at once they will be the ones trying to change the mood of the gathering.

The strange part is that jollies never realize that they are jollies…. it’s the other people who recognize this trait in them.

Jollies are born not made.
Jollies can be made but it would take an eternity to finish.
Life happens. Live with it.

(have a nice day)

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Mors Ultima Ratio

Death is the final accounting
It is not that I fear death.
It is just that that will be then, that I will come face to face with this so called all mighty God.
As you would have suspected I am a staunch disbeliever of the entity God. I for one, will not at any circumstance give in to the notion that there exists a being (the alpha/omega) who literally controls all of us and is making things happen.
In ancient Latin there is another quotation which sort of adds proof to my statement….
In ancient time peopel used to worship what they fear, & then as humanity matured they gave it human forms as a result the wonderous powers of the God are in second fiddle to nature.
I have nothing against any religion or any personal belief, it is just that in today’s competitive world as people are confronted with more and more complex problem, they look to the skies for the answer as if God will mysteriously remove all hurdles from their world. BUT in today’s dog eat dog world isn’t one mans/woman’s hurdle another’s stepping stone, so does the mighty God favor the individual who prays more instead of the person who has spent more time on resolving the problem at hand?
Do you also see that more and more people thong the places of worship in search of answers and deliverance of evil instead of just putting their mind and effort into resolving it.
Or as a few say it….
“It maybe true that God created this world in which we all live, but what has he been doing ever since”

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Re vera, cara mea, mea nil refert.

Re vera, cara mea, mea nil refert.

Golden lines to golden people ….

Of course it may be a punch line from many movies

But I feel every one must be able to relate to it ….

I will tell you later what it means but first hear me out

Now the obvious question for the select few who know Latin.

About what?

About every thing …..

It may sound strange…. But the bold text is one of my mottos for life and all the surprises it holds for us. people make fun of you and abase you in ways only they can dream up , then you either retaliate or you ignore them thinking I wish I was stronger then I did show the BARBARI (barbarian) a thing or two… or you can do it my way… have a high threshold for your temper… and simply don’t consider the unpleasant remark as an insult but look upon it as a comment from a person who doesn’t know you well enough.. I have come across many people who share that view point and believe me there a shortage of such people.

These people live life the way it’s dished out to them. No worries, no tension and etc. let me call them jollies; these people are not to be confused with people who are not bothered or in other words people who are only concerned about themselves. They care for other and don’t like to hurt others

for my first one i think this is enough

Now I will tell you quite frankly that 90% of the people who read this will feel I am preaching, preaching? Re vera, cara mea, mea nil refert.

Which means… ~Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn.~

so live life to the fullest and dont give a damn to the rudeness around you